Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Teach Us To Number Our Days
Today's blog is a hard one for me to write.  I could go two directions.  Do I share the events of the tragic evening or take a philosophical approach on life?  My mind goes in both directions.  I am debriefing on this page and again my emotions are running in all imaginable directions.

I was in charge of a group who had just been notified that one of my people had just gone over board. His mother was now in my care on whole new level!  A mother who just watched her son disappear into the sea.  She tried to catch him as  he called for help.  I kept thinking, STOP,  People just do not go overboard on ships!  This is the kind of thing you read about in a tabloid headline, not experience up close and personal.  STOP,  this really cannot be happening.  I knew this person! 

The night was long.  David and his mom had come to our retreat because of Damaris Carbaugh's music and ministry. All week long they had been blessed by the music, the sessions and the conversations that ensue in a group setting.  David came with his mom on the heels of being in a rough spot in his life. Our week had proven to be one of sweet, peaceful times. It was a restorative time with his mom and I believe his God.  All had been so good.

The drama of the evening unfolded quickly and then slowly.  The den of the ship was somber almost immediately.  The ship changed course and returned to the area where David had fallen.  The search teams were vast and intense.  To watch something like a search and rescue in real life was eerie.  People stood by the deck watching for something.  It was pitch black, minus the search lights and the stars. I kept thinking where do you look, where do you begin to look?  The sea holds such power over our tiny bodies.

People all over the ship were found in groups praying.  We found our group, many who did not even know that it was our person who had fallen, with cabin doors ajar praying in huddled groups.  There was a group of high school seniors on board who too were huddled in groups praying.  God truly was a known intently this night.  As I reflect back, I realize that makes Himself known in these times for there is no other hope or help apart from Him. 

This long somber night was framed with Damaris, Rod (the awesome husband of Damaris)  and Diane caring for this in shock, wounded mother in a cabin.  They prayed and comforted her.  They allowed her to talk.  Medical personal cared for this mother hoping to give her some sleep.   Damaris's music soothed this mothers troubled soul.  They prayed with her and listened. 

What do you do after a delightful weeks vacation finding that it ends with a tragic death?  What do you do when news like this is thrust into your world? You seek The Lord for all things! 

God was in the midst of all of this 'mess'.  The details would fill a book.  The peace given to me and the provisions of navigating this situation were amazing.  The security team, the FBI, the port authorities, those helping comfort the mourners within our group, the private car transporting us to the airport, where United Airlines took care of the hurting mom from check in to the landing back home were gifts that defy expectations. God carried us.  

I have been in contact most days with this mother. She shared that today is a family celebration of Davids life.  This will be a hard day, for loosing a child cannot be understood unless you have stood in those shoes.  I have. Loosing a child whose body will not be recovered to bury, adds to the pain. But I see God carrying this family just now.   The scripture above in the blue box, was shared with me by this mother.  She grasped that this was God's time to take her son home.  He is safe now and with the Lord.    

 The poem below was one David had penned when his grandmother died not too long ago.  His mother sent this to me a few days ago.  I share it now for it is a little window into the heart of this man.    He is now in the presence of Jesus, healed and whole.  His wounds from this world are healed and as scripture tells us.
"But He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5 - Bible

I close with this thought and scripture.    

"Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts."  Psalm 90:12

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