If you have been following this weeks crazy blog of me unpacking our retreat Matters of The Heart,
I know the sensational parts of evil and death pull us in. This
journey was real life, real time stuff and I am in the middle of it.
But it wasn't the essence of the retreat.
Today's blog is the sweet God movement, middle of the week, blessing thread that made the week spectacular. It is the reason the retreat was scheduled. It is the purpose behind the title. It is the whipped cream and cherry piece of the sundae!
Yesterday's blog was a confession of me wanting to jump off the responsibility wagon and 'rest my weary body'. I still smile that my plans were deliberately thwarted by The Lord. He was gentle in His nudging me into obedience. He knew my stress threshold was high. He knew it all. I was to be obedient and in turn He delighted me with the outcomes. Yes, the Lord does speak and direct our steps!
Thursday evening we had a concert scheduled with Damaris Carbaugh. She came with us to teach and to sing. Such a delightful and wise lady! During the week we encouraged our attendees to invite people to join us for a night of praise and worship. Millie and her cohorts hit the deck running. Wow... God was moving. Deborah in her delightful massage time, invited her therapist. The room was filled! Word of mouth is the best PR around. (http://damariscarbaugh.com/kind-words/)
The conference room doors open. Our retreat guests file in. The invited guests also enter. What delight! Significant is the list below.
Lana. My Sky Chapel visitor. She knew no one. She came and took a front row seat. She beamed and she cried.
David - the man whose life was to end the following evening. He took a front row seat. It was his last night on earth. He spent it in a concert that drew us all before The Lord.
The Beautiful Jamaican massage therapist - invited by Deborah. She never had time to worship while on the ship. She was thrilled and blessed.
The cruise staff musician. His story was that he had walked away from the Lord. His only night off each week was Thursday. Not a coincidence that on this night he was to return to Jesus. He videoed the concert and wept. He was prayed with and sent back with a renewed desire to stay in communication with the Lord.
4 electric wheel chair guests who were cruising with an MS group. They squeezed in among the rows of chairs.
A couple of unidentified participants. They slipped in after we started and out as it was ending.
Coincidence? Not! These appointments were not by chance. God met them in the middle of sea, on a ship.
I learned anew that God is working and continuing to draw people back to Himself. He allows me and those who are His followers to invite others to join in the dance of salvation.
Our pain, our longing, our broken spirits are burdens we do not need to carry alone. God is waiting for us to call out to Him. He also has a community, a family here on this earth to help you walk the journey as well. I was blessed over and over by such a family.
"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:4 (Bible)
"Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways
and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he
will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your
thoughts." Isaiah 53:6-10 Bible
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