Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Why Me?

Have you ever wondered why you were born into this time of the worlds history, your country of origin, your ethnicity or your gender?    I often ponder this as I travel to different places in the world.  I am humbled to realize how truly blessed I am, why me?

Why was I born in America and not in a low cast system of India, Pakistan, or in the remote area of Mongu, Zambia?  As a female in the US I have been educated, been given freedom to become whatever I desire or have the ability to achieve.  What would I be like if my situation was that of so many women who are basically a step above an animal, married off as a child bride, sold into slavery?

 I ponder this often and know that I am here today because I am to make a difference in the lives of those who need help.  My luxuries, my blessings, my knowledge of what exists in other places of the world require I do something to help others.  I do not need another hand bag, pair of shoes, trinket for my home.  I do not need a bigger home, a new car or for that matter just about anything else.

I am a Christ follower.  This statement is not about a religion, it is about knowing who my creator and savior is!  It is about knowing that this path here on earth is temporary and heaven is forever.  I am to bless those who come into my life who need someone to love them, to show compassion to them, to pass on to others the blessings that have been given to me as I can. 

I know I cannot change the world.  I know that often the kindnesses I show are but a bandage on a gaping wound that needs radical surgery.  I also know that the giving and the kindnesses shown are a reflection of what Jesus Christ did for me/us.  He gave to me salvation from eternal death and He continually provides for me here on earth.  I want others to know this too.

I am happiest when I give.  I am blessed by the gratitude of those I can gift.   I have no clue as to how long I will remain on this earth for each of our days are numbered.  I do know that hording our things, our  time and our  abilities strangles the joy that God intended us to experience by giving back to others.      The most miserable people I know are those who do not give to others and think only of themselves.  Want to be happy, give and stop thinking about yourself.  It works!

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So spread your love wherever you go.  
Mother Theresa

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