Friday, June 26, 2015

Luska Zambia

Another blog without photos.  Lusaka is the capital of Zambia.  It is a 3rd world country trying so very hard to come into being more in tune with the first world.   It is an old and tired city with hope.

A six plus hour flight from Dubai turned out to be awesome.  We were miracously upgraded to business class.  Ahhhh my favorite quote "A Luxuary once tasted becomes a necessity." , has come to be true again.

In my last blog post I mentioned 'class' distinction within the Arab world and thus within Emerits.  Remember, I was not unhappy with coach, my standard seat placement found within most of my air trips.  In fact, I was impressed with my 'back of the bus station' and service.

Overnight the world changed.  We arrive back at the airport after a nights rest.  Bonus from years past!   We check in.  All of sudden it appears that there is a mix up on my ticket.  My thoughts of what usually happens to me are, "my reservation is missing", "I am singled out to be 'searched'", etc.  Ask my family...these things do happen to me.  She then hands to me a new pass and says Mrs. Erickson you have been upgraded.  I looked at Don and thought, "Oh can I really leave him behind in coach and not feel bad?".  I did not have to wait long to decide, he too got an up grade.  This is a perk of grand proportions.

Boarding...a class distinctive for certain.  Like Heathrow you board a bus to arrive at your plane.  Coach goes first in a nice transport.  Next Business Class is called, the transport has leather seats, that rival any luxuary vehicle. There are a few of us and life is pretty cool!  I am not going to ask what the First Class transport was like, for there is no need to know.  Life had definately changed!

Ahhh...the trip to Lusaka was grand!  I will now savor this event and not complain upon my return trip home. It is all good!

Upon our arrivel into Lusaka's International Airport (modest is a good word to describe it) reality begins.  We find we have been summoned by the Vice President of the country for a meeting.  There is a long story behind this meeting but for now I will share that politics is not too different around the world.   The Presidental Offices probably were built in the early 1900's.  They are very old and dank and I know that this is their best.  Her office was quite nice by Zambian standards.

We left knowing that the answers to the questions she asked will probably not be resolved.  But I pray that is a wrong assumption.  We could not bring in medication for our clinic but they would allow us to bring a hospital bed.  Seriously, how many airlines allow for baggage of such grand proportions.  Then, if in fact we were able to fullfill that request, how do we get it to Lutendee.  We could not bring in more than $500 per person before customs slapped a heavy fee onto us.  The list goes on and the people we want to help go without.

In about one hour we embark on the longest day trip ever.  I am praying for a quick day.  There are no places to stop and eat.  Bathrooms now become squatty potties and as we enter the national park, we will pay a Kwacha to pee. We will use a cement hole vs a dirt hole.  I am also praying that I get to see elephants, a zebra and other wild life that is supposed to live along our road.  4 round trips back and forth from Lusaka to Mongue have not been too successful for these sightings in the past.  Hope is good and like a child it will give me something to focus upon.

I do not know when I will be blessed with internet access again.  The Dolphin Inn where we stay is supposed to have it...hmmmmm we will see if it works this time around.

I am blessed and humbled to be part of this trip.   Hands of Hope does bring Hope to these people.  The magnificent garden fair in our surreal world raises money for those who have no hope.  We can only put a small bandaid on the gaping wound of poverty but perhaps in time those villages we serve will grasp that they can care for their own.

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