Monday, May 25, 2015

The Sixty Fifth Year - Tomorrow?

Today's post has taken a bit of a turn from what I thought I would write about. A couple of  weeks ago,  we received a delightful postcard, a hand written note from a long time friend. He was a childhood, college friend and fellow soccer player of Don's.

Two things were unique about this postcard.  First, it is rare for a male to reach out using this form of communication to a friend.    Second, the time lapse of communication had been a long one.  Both of these were subconsciously noteworthy, for the postcard has remained sitting out these past weeks.

This friend retired to shift focus in his life to helping others outside of our country.  He was excited about this next chapter.   Everything from an outside perspective looked awesome.  His beautiful family grown and financially he was in a good place.  Yesterday afternoon we received a phone call that this friend, while working out at the gym, dropped dead of a heart attack

We are stunned over the news.  The thought still is foreign to us, he was just a bit younger than me.

He will not have a Sixty Fifth Year! 

As I write this I am finishing up packing for an adventure.  We head to Israel for a 12 day trip.  Exciting and we are planning to leave tomorrowTomorrow.

None of us has a guarantee of tomorrow.  We can plan, they can be great and grand plans.  Our friend had done that, he had grand plans.  There was no warning that our friend was not going be part of a Memorial Day celebration today.  I am quite certain he had lots of tomorrow plans. 

As I take this blog journey using the written word,  I am once again brought into reality that life is so very precious.  Our friend is truly in heaven with The Lord.  I know that.   

For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. 
~William Penn

If you knew that you would not have a tomorrow what would change in your life? I head to bed anticipating a tomorrow.  I am sure you the reader are thinking the same thing.  However, there is not a promise of this 'day'.  If you are gifted with tomorrow, make it count!  If you are gifted with tomorrow, are you ready for eternity?


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