Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial Day during the Sixty Fifth Year

It is Saturday of a long anticipated weekend for most Americans.  Some leave for their vacation homes, or spots to visit. Some use it as a time to get ready for summer, cleaning out their garages, gardening but most people have some expectation of a life being a bit different than the other weeks that have lead up to this time.

I walked over to the cemetery, a short walk from our home, to where our daughter Kara is buried. I decided to share with her some of the beautiful roses from my birthday.  (Actually the deer will love this 'salad dinner tonight'.)   The weather is idyllic!  I decided the walk was needed to keep this body in motion!  My agenda became empty today and I am restless as I withdraw from a crazy week. 

Everything around me was quiet. This cemetery is a beautifully sculpted and void of 'live' people today.  For some it may feel eerie, for me it felt reverent. Flags abounded in the cemetery.  Those who had served our country were honored!  The landscape was somber, beautiful and humbling.  The quiet surroundings evoked many emotions.

When I walk through a cemetery I am always aware of my mortality.  When will I be laid to 'rest'?  Will my life have made made a difference to another?  Is someone better off because our paths crossed?  No one who was buried in this or any other cemetery was insignificant! They were someones son, daughter, sister, brother, mother, father, grand parent.  Their lives impacted others.  I would like to think the impact was for the better but I know the reality of this 'wish' is not always the case. 

As I leave to return home I am reflective.  I am but one person.  You the reader are but one person.  How will I be remembered?  How will you be remembered?  As my countdown to leaving this earth continues (as does yours) what can I do to make another person's journey a bit easier or a bit kinder? 

I want this Sixty Fifth Year to make someone else's life better, easier and less about me.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, I am given this commandment.  These are wonderful words to live by.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 3 This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.   Matthew 22:37-38 - Bible

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