Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Day After Christmas!

This morning it is quiet.  The sky is really grey.  I could consider it gloomy but it sets the tone of a day I will enjoy, quiet and still.   I am staring at odds and ends 'leftover' from the celebrations of our Christmas.  Like many today the frantic activity towards "Christmas Day" is a memory and maybe a weariness.  It is quiet for most us, some are still celebrating and extending the holiday.  Hopefully, the toys that were so important are being played with and enjoyed. 

I have loved looking at Face Book, in particular, seeing snaps shots of families, moments in time of families who have come together to celebrate.    Ours was one of those.  To say I am blessed pales to the reality of what I have been given.  I know this and I truly savor this fact.  I do not take it for granted.  I do not deserve any of the blessings but I do treasure them in my heart.

I also am acutely aware that many in my world had a rough go on Christmas.

**Across the country from where I live,  my father was in the hospital, my mother fragile over the situation, my incredible sister who holds so much of the family together, is tired and weary but always willing to go the next mile for so many. 
**I have friends who have died this year and there was a hole in the family by their absence this year.
**I have friends who are fighting diseases and long to be here next year.
**I have friends who are angry with life.
**I have friends who have lost jobs and the future is uncertain.
** I have friends who spouses have been unfaithful, left them alone and vulnerable. 
**I have friends who live in 3rd world countries who need food.
**I have friends who live in dangerous places and because they are Christ followers could be killed.

Note that my friends, are plural not singular, in the issues I have shared.  This world is a rough place to do life.

As I share this blog,  I do so because life is not fair.  Some times we have blessings.  Some times we have burdens.  Those beautiful pictures we look at on Social Media are a moment in time. They are times to cherish.  If they are yours, cherish them!  If they are not, be happy for them! Remember life is fickle and uncertain.  If they are not your pictures, choose to find things to be grateful for.

Bitterness and resentment only hurt one person, and it is not the person we are resenting, it is us. Alan Stewart. 

 Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.  Zig Ziglar

Yesterday was Christmas, the day we should celebrate the birth of Christ.  He says this about His life.
" I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."  Jesus 
(Bible, John 10:10)
If you did not have a 'picture' perfect Christmas you have been offered one magnificent gift, a forever, perfect gift. 

" I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."  Jesus 
(Bible, John 10:10) 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

WE MADE IT! So far so good!

Today marks 45 years of being married to the same man! The best part is that we still love and like each other! A blink and the years are gone!  A blink and the bodies have grown older!  A blink, a few stumbles and few 'hit them out of the park' home runs and it is December 19th for the 45th time since we said "I Do!"  Time, that fleeting gift we all seem to take for granted has been measured for me today by this anniversary, where has it gone?

I have some advice to share to those coming behind us in this covenant before God, called marriage.  It is advice I still need to finish the course well (and I hope it is a long course). 

Be grateful!  Even in the rough times find something to be grateful about.
Be gracious!  Always be kinder than you 'feel'.
Be wrong! Pride divides and opinions are just that 'opinions'.  You too are flawed.
Praise and affirm often.  Taking for granted even the smallest of things degrades the tasks of life.
Look for humor in the rough patches of life, humor vs anger makes the situations easier to bare.

Work hard on all of your relationships, when all is said and done they really matter.

I am grateful beyond words for the years I have had with Don.  Many were hard, life is hard.  Many were good, there is an abundance of good to be found in all of our lives!  Many were probably ordinary in the strictest  since of the word but I would not change what life has given to me.

Blessed I am.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Countdown to 45!

This blog on my 65th year is is fun.  I have not had the time to write as I would wish but as I can the reflections are humbling.  I am one blessed individual.

Countdown to 45 years of marriage is amazing to me!   December 19th we will have made it 45 years!  Amazing!  As a young girl I never expected to marry, for 'who would want me' was never far from my thoughts.  I was young when I met Don Erickson and in today's world most would say too young to marry him at age 20.  Perhaps in my world it was too young as well. However,  outside of choosing to make Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of my life, marrying Don was the best choice I ever made.  I love having done life with this man.

If my life today were exposed to the world on Facebook or on social media in general, there would be  'ugly' pictures or posts along the way.  Our journey has had valleys to include a child who was ill most of her life and died early, hospital and medical bills that were staggering, arguments, opposite opinions, a very tight income, old cars, getting 4.5 kids ;) into adulthood.  Add to this list, we are doing life in a fish bowl before a community and a congregation.  We are two people who are less than perfect and are still trying to figure it out.  

We are two people who are so opposite, we would flunk a marriage counselors compatibility test.  We have this in common, we love The Lord, each other and our children.  From there we both must navigate how to do the dance to make a marriage work.  Don loves details, routine and organization. I am 'Tigger'.  I am a BIG picture person that has A.D.D. I verbally process my thoughts, ideas and momentary wishes. He has spent our married life trying to quantify these messages hoping to please me or stay ahead of me, while I have most likely moved onto a different subject or thought.  He has spent most of our marriage looking for things I have misplaced, trying to bring order to my life when I really did not see the need for it at that moment.  (It is important ;) ).  He has supported my crazy ideas (most of the time) and he has challenged me as well.   He believes in me! No one else ever did that for me! 

I close this blog realizing that spouses or friends that have opposite personalities are really God's blessings in our lives.  They help to knock the rough edges off our personalities and force us to look at life through different filters.    We have learned to lean on each others strengths and forgive each others weaknesses. 

"Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace."   Ephesians 4: 2-3 (Bible)

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4: 32 (Bible)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Sappy and Sad Moments - The Sixty Fifth Year

It is Monday a.m.  I should not be blogging, I have a to do list that is weighing heavily on my spirit, but hey the list will be completed in time but my thoughts will flee never to return in this form again.

I love Christmas!  I love the 'why' of Christmas.  Jesus!  I love the music of Christmas, especially the music that tells the 'why' of Christmas.  The music can be carols of centuries past or new worship music, that tells the same story in a new, fresh way.  I also enjoy the 'sappy' secular tunes, they too can pull my heart strings because they remind me of my past.  I love the old Christmas movies and the 'sappy' Hallmark Christmas movies.  I love to see my home decorated to celebrate the season. 

The urgency for me to 'blog' on a Monday a.m. stems from the sappy side of my emotions.  Each Christmas old memories flood my brain and heart.  I recall the emotions of being a child, wild beyond excitement for Christmas day.  The anticipation was too much to handle, so I was the ultimate snoop and rarely surprised Christmas morning (but always happy).   I appreciate now how much my mom and dad (especially my mom) did to make our Christmas's the best day ever.  Money was tight and sacrifice was big and we were blessed. 

I recall my sweet daughter who now resides in heaven.  Her concern over not having a gift for Don and I on our anniversary (Christmas time) so she went to a neighbor to ask if she would help her buy us a gift.  The neighbor did just that.  I still tear up over this kind act as I look at the Holly Bush given to us from Kara (because of a neighbor who 'got it'). 

I remain acutely aware of my Zambian and Honduran friends who are starving, while I bake.  I can give and give (and I do) but it is never enough to fill all of the tummies with needed food.  I cry.

In experiencing of all these emotions that replay each year and I am glad they do, I know that Christmas is not about receiving.  It is never to be about receiving.  It is about giving!  Giving time and words of encouragement to one who is alone!  Giving time to serve someone or thing that needs help.  The need for help, encouragement, love and hope are greater than any wrapped gift under a tree.

It started with God's gift to us His son, Jesus, to cover my sins and payment so I will have eternal life. I do not have work for this gift, I just need to accept it and Him.  That is it!  

I do not have to decorate, bake or over buy in an effort to make someone happy for Christmas! Their happiness is not dependent upon me.  Their presence should never determine my contentment with Christmas. My focus on the giver of the  perfect gift, Jesus, is truly a good Christmas.

Here is what Jesus says about Christmas.  "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep..."  John (Bible) 10-11.
" For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. "  John (Bible) 3:16

In my sappiest moments of longing and wishing something was different than reality, I  must come back to the ultimate gift that affects my eternity and I am humbled.  The first Christmas and each one after that was all about us and the ultimate in gifts.  Savor your gift from Him, it is priceless.