I have loved looking at Face Book, in particular, seeing snaps shots of families, moments in time of families who have come together to celebrate. Ours was one of those. To say I am blessed pales to the reality of what I have been given. I know this and I truly savor this fact. I do not take it for granted. I do not deserve any of the blessings but I do treasure them in my heart.
I also am acutely aware that many in my world had a rough go on Christmas.
**Across the country from where I live, my father was in the hospital, my mother fragile over the situation, my incredible sister who holds so much of the family together, is tired and weary but always willing to go the next mile for so many.
**I have friends who have died this year and there was a hole in the family by their absence this year.
**I have friends who are fighting diseases and long to be here next year.
**I have friends who are angry with life.
**I have friends who have lost jobs and the future is uncertain.
** I have friends who spouses have been unfaithful, left them alone and vulnerable.
**I have friends who live in 3rd world countries who need food.
**I have friends who live in dangerous places and because they are Christ followers could be killed.
Note that my friends, are plural not singular, in the issues I have shared. This world is a rough place to do life.
As I share this blog, I do so because life is not fair. Some times we have blessings. Some times we have burdens. Those beautiful pictures we look at on Social Media are a moment in time. They are times to cherish. If they are yours, cherish them! If they are not, be happy for them! Remember life is fickle and uncertain. If they are not your pictures, choose to find things to be grateful for.
Bitterness and resentment only hurt one person, and it is not the person we are resenting, it is us. Alan Stewart.
Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for. Zig Ziglar
Yesterday was Christmas, the day we should celebrate the birth of Christ. He says this about His life.
" I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Jesus
(Bible, John 10:10)
If you did not have a 'picture' perfect Christmas you have been offered one magnificent gift, a forever, perfect gift.
" I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Jesus
(Bible, John 10:10)